So, it's been a long time since I've touched this blog....4 months. Oops! The end of 2021 was a bit chaotic and I was trying to keep up with life...and this fell to the wayside. I finally feel like I'm back to myself and may have a bit more time to keep everything updated and create new things. I won't guarantee a schedule or anything that strict, but hopefully I won't go months between posts this year.
So what have I been up to? Here is a list of things that I've done in the past 4 months:
In September, I virtually attended the Scottish Goddess Conference. This is a pantheon I'm not familiar with, so it was wonderful to hear about different experiences and approaches to this culture.
​Both of my children played soccer through the fall season, which kept us all busy.
I started treatment for anxiety & depression. Asking for help was a huge first step for me. We're still working to figure out what the right balance is for me, but I'm happy to be on this journey.
I continued working on my Master's program. I currently have 2 courses left to complete.
We celebrated Samhain (Halloween), Thanksgiving, Yule, and New Year's as just our family.
Got the booster!
Both kids had multiple Covid exposures at school...( GET VACCINATED IF YOU CAN DAMNIT!). My son is vaxxed, but my youngest is too little to qualify still.
I resigned my position of 5 years and started a new position with an Ed Tech company.
Purchased probably too many new Oracle/Tarot Decks and Runes.
Other duties as assigned?
It may not seem like much, but it's felt like a lot. I'm happy to be back in the headspace where I feel like creating once again. I hope you have all had a great start to your 2022. I look forward to hearing from everyone soon.