The Core Order of Ritual is something that I utilize regularly in my practice, so I feel like it's important to dive into that ritual structure a little bit and share my understanding of each part, as well as giving an example of what that part of the ritual might look like. Today we continue our discussion by talking about Key Offerings!
At the heart of our ritual, we’ve opened the gates, we’ve invited our guests, and now it’s time to welcome the Being of Occasion, our special guest for the ritual. They are the primary being called during the ritual, and usually the ritual is centered around them. This could be more than one being (such as honoring the Ancestors during Samhain), but essentially this being is the focus of our rite and shapes the culture and seasonal customs that we may include for our ritual.
The Key Offering happens at the center of our ritual. During this step we call to the honored being that we wish to honor and make offerings to them. We may also take part in seasonal customs that are tied to that being of occasion specifically during this step of the ritual.
Grey-eyed goddess of wisdom,
Crafty, quick-witted, and strong.
You ignite the path that we should take
And help us know where we belong.
Mistress of reason, wisdom, and truth,
Your cunning and guile so well known,
You guide our journey, like heroes of old
And teach us which skills we should hone.
You provide many gifts to those you have blessed,
Defender of cities and master of might.
You are welcome at our sacred fire,
Please join in our rite tonight.